Transcribed letter of Joe Achin, written to Louis W. Delpy, on Nov. 11, 1931
Mail Post Mark: Oceanside, Calif. Nov. 11, 1931 8:00 PM
Addressed TO:
Mr. L.W. Delpy
919 National City Bank Bldg.
Eighth Spring and Main Sts
Los Angeles Calif.
Return Address FROM:
210 N. Hill St.
Oceanside, Calif.
210 N. Hill St. Oceanside.
Nov. 11th. 31
Well.Don Louis.. This Armistice Day..and raining..
Every Straight up to day.. and expecting
my..Pet.Lorraine. any day..
Well Don Louis. I have been writing to every
body I know.. Far and near: Trying to interest
them..In buying the Glenns Ferry Ranch.. But up to
this writing..Nothing doing: So I guess.. The Salt Lake
Bond Co. will have to sell it to me on a shoe string
order: By financing me fore a period of three years..
Say Louis..What fare.. you suppose.. they would make..
If one put up..this proposition.. up to them.. by asking
them to sell the place.. on a shoe string..fore a tearm
of 10 years at 6 per cent interest.. Say..taking the Ranch
at $20,000..and a finenaure..enough..fore the expenses..
to run the ranch..and money stock it with about
5000 sheep: All under one bill. With Chattel Mortgage
on livestock.. and First Trust Deed on the Ranch:
That would be better. Then employing a manager. By selling
to a responsible party.. one man alone. there would not be any
friction. If the party in charge. Should not do his dutie
They could foreclose him.
All this sounds good. But I don’t think they would attemp
anything like that.. If I had the address of the head
Mogul.. I belive I would.. just write him..and put up my
plans to him. They will never get anywhere with
ranch. Unless some good.. man.gets hold of it..
fore a term of 10 years.. It will take about 30 or $40,000
To put the land in shape. and stock it up. With about
5000 sheep..
So when you make your..usual trips to Oceanside
And Vista. We will talk this matter over:. It is
worth while..
Tell Dom. The Tuscani’s.. are smoking fine..
Sincerely yours Joe. and Familly.
P.S. I have written to Friends.. as far as St. Joe..Mo.
in fact.. everywhare. about the Ranch.. and they have
Even answered my letters.. Nothing Doing: Boy.
Glenns Ferry Ranch Letter: Transcribed
(original file from CD: "Transcribed letter.Joe Achin.docx", 11/16/2015)
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